On Thursday 6th April the Financial Times leader, was headlined “Brown’s tax on trust leaves a bitter taste”. We quote from this as follows: “But there is almost nothing to be said on the government’s …
Study after study in many different nations and economies has shown, for example, that the best way to avoid having to scramble for new supply sources of oil is to control the growth of demand, …
If you think you were missold an endowment policy, you must complain quickly or risk losing the right to claim compensation, says Naomi Caine. It’s bad enough to be missold an endowment, but it’s even …
Those who think the China story and its demand for commodities and energy is not important should, in order to gain a grasp of the scale of what is happening in China, ponder on recent …
Historically, gold has never been viewed as a speculation. It was simply money: cash in the most basic form. It was a medium of exchange and a store of value. People did not accumulate gold …
Gold prices and indeed volatility fell for a generation (between 1980 and 2000) and they have subsequently bounced and recovered roughly half that ground over the last five years. It is perhaps tempting, after such …